
We at Home ReSource aim to celebrate reuse and waste reduction. Offering low-cost salvaged and reusable building materials is one way we do it. Another way is by helping folks learn about reuse and waste reduction—what it is, why it matters, and how to do it.

Check out the links below to learn more.

About Reuse
Reuse extends the life of a value-added product or material. Read about some ways you can be a reuser.

Types of Reuse
We’ve got a few favorite types of reuse. Let us tell you about them!

At Home ReSource we occasionally offer classes to provide access to skills and knowledge necessary to reduce waste and “do” reuse.

Reuse Projects
People make the greatest creations from Home ReSource materials. Check out our collection of projects; a glimpse into what is possible.

Moving Missoula Toward Zero Waste
The Sustainable Business Council is working to clear the air about waste & recycling in Missoula by declaring April 2015 Moving Missoula Toward Zero Waste Month. View their informative guide to reducing, reusing, recycling, and rethinking waste in Missoula.

