With your generosity, Missoula, we more than doubled our original Missoula Gives goal last week. Thank you for supporting us with your words and your dollars. Whether you appreciate what we’re doing for individuals right here in Missoula, or you appreciate how we are tackling issues of global significance, we are so grateful […]
New Home ReSource Website
3 posts
Katie Anderson, our Zero Waste Educator & Planner, is picking up where The Fate of the Plate left off. Focused on finding some “early wins” for the MCPS Zero Waste effort, Katie spoke with Kelli Hess from the Missoula Food Bank and Mason Dow of Feeding the 406 about how […]
Us! Turns out that when people like Bob Johnson, our Volunteer of the Year (pictured with Katie last Friday), Rhiannon Roos, our youth-intern-turned-employee whose moving comments compelled banquet attendees to dig deep, the incredible artists and artisans who compete at SponCon and make our auction so unique, and people from […]