By Abby Huseth, Energy Program Director at Climate Smart Missoula, Amy Cilimburg, Executive Director at Climate Smart Missoula, and Katie Deuel, Executive Director at Home ReSource.
Originally published in Missoula Current, November 22, 2018.
As people who work on climate change and sustainability issues for a living, we’ll be the first to admit that gratitude isn’t always our default response to the state of affairs around us.
So often, the headlines do not reflect the way we want our community – and the world – to be. But this year, the many individuals and organizations that have contributed to this Sustainable Missoula column series generated headlines that paint a different picture: one of a community that is bringing real solutions to local challenges and doing so with passion, hope and commitment.
We’ve had fun highlighting voices around Missoula this year. We are grateful to the Missoula Current for the opportunity. And we’re planning to continue this column in the year ahead. For Thanksgiving week, we thought we’d bring it home, so we asked around our respective offices (and store) for staff to share what they’re thankful for….Read the entire article at