Sustainable Missoula: If hospitals can ‘go green,’ so can all organizations

By Beth Schenk, Ph.D. MHI, RN-BC, nurse scientist and sustainability coordinator at Providence St. Patrick Hospital.
Published in Missoula Current, June 1, 2018

Hospital-based care is a complex endeavor. It relies on some of the most educated and prepared individuals in any community, the most recent technologies and communication systems, safe buildings, and facilities that can provide care through any emergency, storm or disruption.

To accomplish this, hospitals are resource intensive….

….hospitals create an incredible amount of waste, 29 pounds per patient per day on average. Many types of waste are regulated (and expensive), including nuclear, hazardous, infectious, universal and pharmaceutical wastes. Other waste streams include compost, recycling and landfill. Staff must be knowledgeable and careful to segregate these waste streams consistently….Read the entire article at