
When you shop at Home ReSource:

  • You get great deals
  • You conserve resources by reusing good materials
  • You support a more vibrant and sustainable local economy

Store - Home ReSource

Looking for something?
The aisles of Home ReSource are packed with treasures – new and old, funky and functional, always affordable. Come down and find the best deals on the right materials to spiff up your home or to build a whole new one! Our Store Inventory page will give you an idea of the kinds of items you can find at Home ReSource.

Got something to donate?
About 85% of the materials we sell come from members of the public who are remodeling a home or cleaning out a garage, basement, or attic. We accept donations 7 days/week during business hours. Our Donation Acceptance Policy will give you an idea of the kinds of items you can donate at Home ReSource. If it’s too difficult to move, we can come get it. Learn about our Pickups & Deliveries services.

Are you a non-profit, educational, or charitable organization?
We honor the work of other mission-driven organizations by providing them materials at a price reduced beyond our already low prices. Interested in our Materials Distribution Program? Download the application.

Want weekly reminders about great deals?
Our inventory changes every day. Once every week we send out our Featured Items of the Week! email to tell folks about the coolest and hottest stuff to hit the floor. You can be the first to know. Sign up below!

