Deconstruction / Demolition

Deconstruction is the art of dismantling buildings for maximum reuse of materials.

The most conspicuous thing Home ReSource Deconstruction Services did in 2017 was deconstruct the old Missoula Mercantile building, starting with the removal of feet of snow from the roof and carefully gutting the building level by level.

Ironically, the very success of that operation – safely removing hundreds of thousands of board feet of beautiful old-growth lumber logged from the forests surrounding Missoula – provided the opportunity to see that our Deconstruction Services no longer needed a non-profit home.

While we look forward to the day where demolition by machine is a rare event indeed, we felt that it was time for new ownership to fully fledge that vibrant local business and allow us to focus on our growing Community Sustainability Programs.

Home ReSource is proud to partner with Montana Deconstruction Services (MDS), owned and operated by Jason Nuckolls, our former Home ReSource Deconstrcution Manager.

All the materials deconstructed by MDS is donated to Home ReSource to find a new home in the Missoula community.

Montana Deconstruction Services
Jason Nuckolls, President
Cell: 880-0404

Thank you, Missoula, for supporting Home ReSource Deconstruction Services from 2007 to 2017.

The Benefits of Deconstruction

  • Waste Reduction: According to the EPA, 40 percent of all waste in the United States originates from construction and demolition (C&D). Home renovations and remodels account for ninety percent of C&D debris. Deconstruction maintains the usability and value of materials so that they can go to work again in the community instead of taking up space in a landfill.
  • Resource Conservation: Reusing building materials from deconstruction projects conserves valuable natural resource. For example, the demolition debris from a typical residential kitchen remodel equals, by weight, four years of curbside recycling from an average household.
  • Energy Conservation: Reusing building materials saves about 95% of the energy that would be required to produce the same materials from raw natural resources.
  • Affordability:  Deconstruction is competitive with standard demolition, and materials from your deconstruction project are tax-deductible when donated to a nonprofit building reuse center like Home Resource.  Tax benefits usually result in significant savings over conventional demolition for a home or building owner. Donated reclaimed building materials, which are more affordable than new materials, help people of all income levels improve the livability of their homes and neighborhoods.
  • Job Creation:  Deconstruction creates three to six local jobs for each one created from standard demolition practices.
  • Preservation of Architectural History:  The materials salvaged through deconstruction can add a sense of history and integrity when reused in new projects.
  • Quality Materials: Contrary to common expectations, many reclaimed materials are now prized for their quality.  Much lumber from earlier decades is more dense, drier and stronger than modern lumber. Even nail holes, weathering and other superficial damage can actually add value by lending a sense of history and rustic character.

