This week, the Montana DEQ released its draft 2018 Integrated Waste Management Plan. Jeremy Drake, our Community Engagement Manager, was one of the members of the Task Force that worked with the DEQ to define goals, develop recommendations, and review preliminary drafts.
Check out the plan and decide if you have ideas to make it better. The deadline for submitting comments on the draft plan is the close of business on December 20, 2018. Comments may be submitted to DEQ via email to:, or via US Mail: DEQ/WUTMB, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901. Please call (406) 444-5300 for information or help.
Meanwhile, yesterday our friends at MMW Architects led a Zero Waste station design meeting at Home ReSource with a group of Missoula’s Zero Waste leaders. Read about it on