SponCon is tomorrow!

Building contest starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Family-friendly activities start at 11 a.m. Fun continues ’til it stops.


Watch the magic happen.

The building contest is for builders and spectators. It’s live building with some of Missoula’s best craftspersons and artisans! We have 28 teams signed up this year, so if you’re not on one of them, come see the action!


Creative reuse activities (& other fun stuff)

Decorate the Home ReSource-asaurus – with “Doodad Deb” Scott
Found Art – with Turning the Wheel Missoula
Plastic Recycling Demo – explore the possibilities with Precious Plastic Missoula
Spin Art – decorate your own fancy switchplate & outlet covers
Paint-a-Door – just like it sounds, big or lil
The White Hole – solar orbit simulator
Marble Run – classic fun
Giant Jenga – giant challenge
Building Blocks, Corn Hole, & Dominoes – deconstructed wood toys & perennial favorites from Heritage Timber
Bubble Station – bubbles make everything more fun with Waste Less Works


Live music, local food, good times!

With DJ Mermaid kicking off the festivities at 9 a.m. and food trucks opening at 11 a.m., the party starts early and goes late. See full line-up of bands and food trucks.