Sustainable Missoula: Local nonprofits team up for new weekly column

By Katie Deuel, Executive Director of Home ReSource & Amy Cilimburg, Executive Director of Climate Smart Missoula
Published in Missoula Current, January 12, 2018

The start of a New Year brings a buzz of possibilities for how our community addresses the mighty challenges of today and tomorrow. How do we simultaneously sustain this place we love, respond to a changing world, and support community with deep connections to our neighbors near and far?

The authors of this column work in the arena of local sustainability, and are helping create this new weekly feature about all things local and sustainable.

Today, we hear the mantra “local is where the action is.” Tangible solutions to problems stemming from climate change, energy and waste systems, transportation and more are driven by ingenuity and creative problem solving at the community level…read the entire article at