A more vibrant and sustainable local economy.

We’re committed to building a more vibrant and sustainable local economy. It’s our mission.

That’s why after ten years of incubation, we have set our Deconstruction Services free. Home ReSource Deconstruction Manager Jason Nuckolls has struck out on his own with a for-profit business, Montana Deconstruction Services (MDS). While it’s a big change for us, the community will continue to have access to the same quality deconstruction services and same affordable materials thanks to a close partnership between MDS and Home ReSource. Congratulations Jason! Read more in this Missoulian article.

Last year, Sean Doty learned first-hand about Missoula’s need to accelerate the transition to Zero Waste as Energy Corps service member with the City of Missoula working on ZERO by FIFTY. So what did he decide to do? Start Missoula’s first residential & commercial curbside collection service for food scraps, that’s what! AND Missoula Compost Collection will donate 10% off collection service sign-up fees to Home ReSource between now and our Benefit Auction! It’s a Zero Waste double whammy! Go Sean! Read more in this Missoula Independent article.